Every month we have a new different, demonstration artist come and talk about what they do, how they create their artwork. Just so you know we - the membership- you pay for these artist to come demo . Comes out of the funds we deposit from everyones membership dues. It is fascinating to see so much amazing artist is done by incredible artist. You will learn something new always. We have had A Chinese Brush Painter, A person that paints rocks, Alot of very well known Texas Artist. Some of them we like so much we have them come back again. Linda Jarnagin is our demo artist sign up person. Give her a call if you know of someone you would like to see them present their art. She will contact them.
LSAG . Lone star Art Guild is our Guild. Being a Guild they represent for many Texas Art Leagues. They have been in existance 1961. I dedicated a whole webpage . Go to the link LSAG info.This little paragraph is to tell you in case you had no idea. So I could let you know that you are a member of Lone star Art Guild. Every year the treasurer pays for your LSAG dues . Which are $1 for each member. Why? do you have to pay dues. For one it gives us the ability to use the Lonestar database. When you enter a show your artwork is registered there, and this gives you the ability to enter other LSAG art league's shows all year in the other leagues, So if you entered our show, and then wanted to also to enter i.e. The Woodlands Art League Show, or The Conroe Art League Show you can. Now there are rules, which also we like because it keeps all our shows on the up and up. If you win certain top ribbons, you can't enter the other shows. You might want to read their rules and regulations to get the details. Hey, we artist do need guard rails sometimes. LOL
We are in 2-3 or might be four banks now. If you would like to display your artwork for a month at a time in one of the banks. Get with Rosemary Massey. She has a book for you to put your name. You go into the bank at the very first day of the month that you chose, and place your artwork on the easel that is there. You can put your contact info on your artwork, tucked in or attached to front lower right or left corner. Do not put a price on the card please. But do put your phone number, so they can call if they want inquire if your art is for sale. The last day of the month you go pickup your artwork.The banks appreciate having local artist display their beautiful art in their bank.
TAL's year runs differently than a REGULAR ( Jan to Dec ) YEAR . --- Our starting month for our meetings is August 1 continues till July 31st. · . We dont have meeting for June & July . Its considered a summer break. As of January 2025 we are planning some workshop in the summer.
Your membership dues for the next upcoming Art year should be turned before the last meeting of our art year which is May 31st. It should be sent in to the treasurer For an Indiviual Membership : Dues are$30 | Couples : $40 | Students through 12th grade $5
You may mail your completed form in with a check to the P.O. 123 Tomball Texas. 77377. Turn it in to the the treasurer at the next meeting you attend. We accept cash, check & ZELLE. A blankMembership Form link is on the home page, as well as the Join TAL page. If you pay using Zelle, please don't forget to email your filled out membership form to thetomballartleague@gmail.com.
As of the fall show we now have many ways your membership dues, as well as pay for your entry fees too. Also not to mention if you want to buy a piece of artwork at our Show & Sale that was created by a TAL artist, you can buy those.
We have had Zelle for a couple of year but now we also have (Square) which accepts credit cards, and you can still pay using a check and also cash.
In 2019 we began having our 3 day Art Shows & Sales. Thursday, Friday & Saturday. Really Thursday is our day to take artwork and we call it the Intake Day We get all the artwork in and art hung and ready. By Friday morning we have our show ready for the judge to come in and find all the best and beautiful artwork in the bunch. The show ready for the public is usually Friday later in the day. We use to do the everything in two days. We have made adjustments and now it is much more smooth. We have such wonder members that all come and help. Some have been doing it for a very long time. It shows our dedication to the Tomball Art League Group. Thank you all ! We could not do it without you!
Since the first record I have, Fall Show 2003 we have had a total of 34 shows.
In 2019 we added Art Selling to our shows. You must be a member of TAL to sell your artwork. Running within the show we have a separate area you can place your art for sale. You bring in 3 pieces at a time, and sell those and bring 3 more.
Giving you 3 days not to just showcase your amazing talent, but maybe make some money as well. Tip: You can always put your artwork in the show for sale as well! Or dont want to sell it you don't have too!
Check the Shows - Forms webpage, we will let you know when and where and how.
Bit of Venue History:
One of our First Shows ... 2 0 0 3 We had a 2 day show at Hertage Park Festival, Tomball Texas.
From 2007 to 2015 We had our shows at the Tomball Community Center. 17 Shows in all.
2016 & 2017 We had 3 Shows at the Benkendorf Center which is also at the college campus but on the North side of the college. Spring Show of 2019 was our first show at the Lone Star College / Tomball Community Library. Which we are happily still in the Library. Us being at this location for our shows, brings in alot of traffic. We donate funds to the library after a show. 2024 The Tomball Art League purchased the artwork hanging system on the West Wall of the common area.
Typically Show months are ----
April and/or March for the Spring Show October and/or November for the Fall Show. We always try to have shows on second Saturdays of that month but sometimes our month and/or dates have to be adjusted. Please check the home page, or the Show Pages for info about the upcoming show. We try to start announcements 2 -3 month ahead of a show
Are you member or a past member of TAL? Do you have a website, Facebook, Fine Art America, ETSY account, Blog, etc. etc.? showcasing you or your art. We
would love to add your link on the Tomball Art League website. Simply email your information, links etc. to
TAL Email :
thetomballartleague@gmail.com in Subject: put Attention Website Publisher
NOTE: If you have information you think would be helpful to members of Tomball Art League. Please email the info to the attention- webmaster to . If you find errors or incorrect info also send us a email.
TAL Email :
TAL Website:
Mailing Address:
P.O. BOX 123, Tomball, TX 77377
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